Fitness: Does exercise matter?
My Blog: Style by Ippolita
People: Nikki Perschy
Faith: How to get over hurt...
My Blog: Style, If these clothes could talk
People: Greg Baldwin
People, FitnessKhaleeqa Rouseinspriation, life, goals, chasing a dream, Fitnes, Personal trainer, training, changing your life, triathle
Fitness: Is your relationship making you fat?
Faith: Learning how to wait...
Fitness: 6-Steps to becoming a runner
My Blog: Your Personal Style
People: Kara Borel
People, FitnessKhaleeqa Rouseathlete, chasing a dream, athletic, cyclist, love, talent, Determined, changing your life, inspiration, African American, woman
Fitness: My Triathlon Training
Faith: Can you be happy and unhealthy?
My Blog: Everybody's Cafe
People: Jacquelyn Stevenson