Faith: How to get over hurt...

I remember two years ago googling “How to get over a broken heart.” I was so desperate for answers at that time I turned to google. I was really hurting. I was hurt because someone had broken my heart and I was hurt by the choices that I had made in my life. The funny thing about hurt is that we just don't come out and say “I am hurt.” Hurt manifest itself in different ways. We lash out, drink too much, gain weight, make reckless choices, or slowly begin to isolate and it is scary to think about the effects of hurt.

I specifically remember this period of time two years ago. I was always on the go, trying to cover up hurt by escalating things with this guy I was seeing and drinking way to much. I believe I had a breakdown. I remember vividly one night just crying on my bathroom floor hurt because I was in still in love with someone I couldn't have, hurt because I had no career, hurt because I wasn't the person I thought I would be at that point. I remember that night so clear because I prayed harder then I had in my entire life. I know that things changed for me at that moment, if felt as if God had given me peace and hope. I stopped crying and just laid there calm.

All the hurt was not gone but I knew something had changed within me. I couldn't go back. When it came to changing who I was and getting over the hurt it was up to me and God. I could no longer ease the pain with life's distractions. I had to put on my big girl shoes and face life. I had to take care of myself. That week I signed up to do my first triathlon to raise money for leukemia. I had no clue what I was doing but I needed to do something. During that time I signed up to do volunteer work with children as a soccer coach. I also planned a trip abroad. I am not going to lie sometimes the hurt stung so bad that I could cry at a moments notice. However, by continuously putting myself in situations to work toward a goal that was bigger then my problems I was strengthened. It took me a while I had some relapses. Day by day I noticed I was changing. Things that I used to need in order to cope like boyfriends, food, partying were all becoming irrelevant. 

Everyone has dealt with some type of hurt in their lives. I think the first step to overcoming hurt is recognizing that it is there. Then addressing all of the things that we do as a result of hurt. It is so easy to get consumed by the pain and emotion of it all but you must reach for something that is bigger then yourself. I reached for God. I also reached for purpose. I looked to causes and things that I could do that would get me out of my own way. I truly believe that this is how you get past the hurt. Once you let the hurt go then one day you can work on the forgiveness.

Don't allow your past hurt define who you are today.

Have you ever overcome hurt? If you could give someone advice who is facing hurt right now what would it be? Share your thoughts!