Faith: Your intuition can save your life
Faith, My BlogKhaleeqa Rouselife, faith, lessons, goals, lifestyle, heart, trust, God, Faith, Christ
Food: Chilli Taco mini bowls
Food: Does your burger have pink slime?
Fitness: 5-Ways to lose 5 lbs
Faith: An Open Heart?
My Blog: Paparoxi in Black Enterprise
Fitness: The dirty truth about poop
Happy Birthday Paparoxi!
Food: The cheat day
My Blog, Food, FitnessKhaleeqa Rousetips, advice, food, eating out, help, diet, exercise, weight loss, transformation
My Blog: The Price of Being Paula Deen...
Fitness: Run, Climb or Swim at the gym
Fitness: Is your body acidic?
Fitness: Strong Woman
Faith: What is your dream?
Faith: Thank you 2011